Coronavirus lockdown: 5 free online computer science courses

As India fights the spread of coronavirus disease with 21 days of lockdown, it may be a good idea to utilise the extra time at home to learn something new. There are lots of free online computer science courses from top universities like Harvard, Princeton, Stanford, MIT and others available online which you can start anytime and learn at your own pace. Class Central, a platform for free online courses, lists out thousands of courses in computer science, business, data science, humanities and more. Here are 10 free online computer science courses from Harvard, Princeton & other top universities that you may want to consider to upskill yourself and make the most of the lockdown period. (Note that only basic or introductory courses are listed and there are thousands of free online courses available which you can try.)

1.Free online Machine Learning Course by Stanford University Via Coursera, Starts March 30

The Machine Learning course by Stanford University provides a broad introduction to machine learning, data mining, and statistical pattern recognition,” as per Class Central.

2.CS50 Introduction to computer science by Harvard university via edx: Starts March 30

An entry-level course taught by David J. Malan, CS50x teaches students how to think algorithmically and solve problems efficiently. Topics include abstraction, algorithms, data structures, encapsulation, resource management, security, software engineering, and web development,” as per Class Central.

3.Machine Learing by Georgia Institute of technology and Brown university via udacity: self-paced

As Class Central, “the first part of the course covers Supervised Learning, a machine learning task that makes it possible for your phone to recognize your voice, your email to filter spam, and more

4.CS50's Computer Science for business professionals by harvard university via edx; Self-Paced

This is CS50's introduction to computer science for business professionals, designed for managers, product managers, founders, and decision-makers more generally, as per Class Central.

5.Linux Basics: The Command line interface by Dartmouth and Institute Mines-Telecom via edx; Self-paced

This is and introductory Linux course


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